AdvaMed cover image
Art direction. UX/UI Design.

2021 - 2024 Projects

I've been quite busy these past few years. Let's discuss it offline.
AdvaMed cover image
Ui Design. Video.

Coke Studios

A summer campaign that connected Gen Z to their favorite music, and an opportunity for me to flex my creative muscles.
AdvaMed cover image
UX and UI Design


A fresh, modern approach to a medtech trade association's digital experience, and a rewarding design challenge from concept to handoff.
Phillips cover image
UI Design

The Phillips Collection

A design journey that lasted almost two years, crossed over two agencies, and endured a kaleidoscopic approach to UI exploration.
New York-Presbyterian cover image
UI Design

New York-Presbyterian Hospital

An exercise in marrying a complex system under one visual language, and a testament to strong art direction.
Shots of Corona cover image

Shots of Corona

Trying to picture the "new normal" everyone was talking about in 2020 was hard, so I decided to let my camera do the work for me.
Kendall Jackson wine cover image
Branding. Writing. Ui Design.

Kendall Jackson Wine

Yep, I know that my name is the same name as a winery. Nope, my parents didn't know when they named me. Yep, I rebranded the wine because, well, why not?
Case Design cover image
UI Design


A dream pitch for a football fan like myself, and a rally call for NFL players to join the most important team in the League.

Additional Work

Hobby / See Below
Design / Coming Soon